
What To Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Dental Implants: Your Guide to the Tooth Replacement Process

If you’re missing one or more teeth, you may be considering dental implants as a tooth replacement option. As an experienced Northridge, CA dentist, Dr. Kevin Gropp and his team have placed dental implants for many patients seeking permanent, natural-looking teeth to restore their smile. 

However, it’s important to understand what’s involved with getting dental implants before you commit to the procedure. Explore with Dr. Gropp’s guide everything you need to know about getting dental implants so you can make an informed decision about your teeth restorations. 

Are you ready for a permanently rejuvenated smile? Call 818-709-8645 today to schedule your implant consultation at our Northridge dental office.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to replace missing teeth. The implants are small titanium screw-like posts surgically anchored to the jawbone where teeth are missing. Through a process called osseointegration, the jawbone then fuses securely to the implant surface. This provides a strong, stable foundation to hold replacement teeth in place securely.

Custom abutments and crowns are attached to the implants after they integrate with the jawbone. The abutments act as the new roots for the replacement teeth. Finally, the custom-made crowns are placed on the abutments to complete the implant restoration with natural-looking and functioning teeth.

Why Consider Dental Implants?

There are many reasons dental implants can be the best option for replacing missing teeth in Northridge:

  • Highly effective and predictable with over 95% long-term success rate
  • Prevent bone loss and deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing
  • This permanent solution doesn’t require removal for cleaning like some tooth replacements
  • Preserve the facial structure and prevent premature aging
  • Restore biting and chewing ability like natural teeth
  • Maintain healthy spacing to prevent shifting of other teeth
  • Improve speech clarity compromised by missing teeth
  • Boost self-confidence with a complete, beautiful smile

If properly placed and cared for, dental implants can last decades and even a lifetime, making them an effective tooth replacement investment.

What’s Involved in the Dental Implant Process?

Getting dental implants is a team effort requiring planning, surgical procedures, and dental rehabilitation. As your Northridge dentist, Dr. Gropp works closely with an experienced team to place your dental implants and finalize them with natural-looking dental crowns. 

The implant timeline typically occurs over several months and involves multiple steps:

Initial Consultation and Planning

During your initial exam, we’ll take 3D scans and x-rays of your mouth to check bone density and structure at implant sites. Our team will discuss your goals, review your health history, and make a comprehensive implant treatment plan.

Potential Sinus Lift or Bone Graft Surgery

If your upper jawbone is too thin for implants, you may need bone grafting or another supplemental procedure to rebuild it first. In the lower jaw, implants often don’t need bone grafts.

Implant Placement Surgery

Dr. Gropp will place the implants during this minor oral surgery, making small incisions in your gums to insert them into the bone. It’s usually performed using a local anesthetic to ensure your procedure is pain-free. 

Healing and Osseointegration Stage

You’ll wear temporary replacement teeth during this crucial three-to-six-month healing phase. As the jawbone fuses to the implant through osseointegration, it becomes firmly anchored.

Abutment and Crown Attachment

Once your implants have bonded to your jawbone, we’ll attach the permanent abutments and custom crowns meticulously designed to match your natural teeth.

Follow-Up Care

You’ll need occasional check-ups and professional cleanings to ensure your implants stay healthy and functional for decades. Excellent oral hygiene and avoiding overloading forces are also crucial for ensuring successful implant restorations.

What Are the Potential Risks or Complications?

While major complications are uncommon when protocols are carefully followed, some risks include:

  • Infection around the implant site
  • Inadequate bone structure leading to implant failure
  • Sinus complications when placed near upper jaw sinuses
  • Nerve damage leading to pain or numbness
  • Damage to adjacent tooth roots
  • Aesthetic issues if implants are improperly positioned
  • Bone loss around implants over time
  • Implant rejection or failure leading to loss of integration

Choosing a highly experienced implant dentistry team minimizes these risks. Our Northridge dentist and his team take great care in analysis, planning, and precision when placing dental implants to ensure optimal outcomes.

What Does Getting Dental Implants Cost?

While the investment is significant, properly placed and cared-for dental implants can last for decades or a lifetime. This makes them an effective long-term value despite the substantial initial price.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

The ideal dental implant candidate has healthy gums and adequate jawbone density at the implant site. If you’re missing teeth, have failing bridges or dentures, or want to improve your chewing ability and smile, a consultation allows you to discuss your options.

Those with certain health conditions like uncontrolled diabetes may not be good candidates. Tobacco use can also impact success rates. Our team will let you know if we recommend additional procedures to prepare your mouth before placing implants after a thorough oral exam.

Feel Confident Pursuing Dental Implants

Deciding whether dental implants are the right choice to replace missing teeth is an exciting, important decision. While the process takes months and dental implants come with considerable upfront investment, proper placement and care can lead to a successful long-term tooth replacement that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth. 
Ready to start your dental implant journey with Dr. Gropp? Call 818-709-8645 today to schedule your consultation at our Northridge dental implant office. We look forward to helping you create a stunning smile that looks and feels just like your natural teeth!

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